* * * * * 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3_BC * * * * *

Year Mn Day MM Mag Ref Scope Pwr coma DC tail p.a. Obs Site 2006 5 4.94 S 14.2 AC 41.0L 72 1.4 2/ RES Szamotuly-Galowo (Slightly fainter. Motion checked during a 2h period. TheSky6 shows no bright stars or galaxies near comet's position.) 2006 5 3.95 S 13.9 AC 41.0L 121 0.8 2/ RES Szamotuly-Galowo (Just faint diffuse glow. Motion checked during a 2h period. TheSky6 shows no bright stars or galaxies near comet's position.) 2006 5 3.68 S[13.9 HS 40.0L 257 !0.7 YOS Gunma, Japan (It became invisible. Maybe the component faded out rapidly.) 2006 5 2.68 S 13.2 HS 40.0L 257 0.7 3/ YOS Gunma, Japan (Although I could not see WWW during my stay for a week, Ken-ichi Kadota told me the information of the component BC, and I could see it. It was very bright and large due to the clear sky. The fast motion among stars was evidently visible.)